Women’s Health Publications
Below, you will find more information about women’s health from Dr. Dell’s publications and articles.
Technology in Women’s Health: Medical Innovation
MD News
The Emerging Presence of Interstitial Cystitis in Gynecologic Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain
Edward J. Stanford, Jeffrey R. Dell and C. Lowell Parsons – Urology
Multimodal Therapy for Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis
Jeffrey R. Dell, M.D., and Charles W. Butrick, M.D. – The Journal of Reproductive Medicine
An Interview with Jeffrey R. Dell, M.D.
Interview by Vicki Glaser – Journal of Gynecologic Surgery
Case Report: TVT Erosion Secondary to a Twist in Tape
Jeffrey R. Dell and Kenneth R. O’Kelley – International Urogynecology Journal
PelviSoft BioMesh Augmentation of Rectocele Repair: The Initial Clinical Eexperience in 35 Patients
Jeffrey R. Dell and Kenneth R. O’Kelley – International Urogynecology Journal
Intravesical Therapy for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis Using a Therapeutic Cocktail
Jeffrey R. Dell – The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists
Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis
Jeffrey R. Dell – International Journal of Fertility and Women’s Medicine
Increased Prevalence of Interstitial Cystitis: Previously Unrecognized Urologic and Gynecologic Cases Identified Using a New Symptom Questionnaire and Intravesical Potassium Sensitivity
C. Lowell Parsons, Jeffrey R. Dell, Edward J. Stanford, Michael Bullen, Bruce S. Kahn, Tracy Waxell, and James A Koziol – Urology
Persistent Sinus Tract Following Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy With Synthetic Mesh
Jeffrey R. Dell – Journal of Pelvic Surgery
Abstracts Published/Papers Presented:
- Sarinoglu C, Dell JR, Sibai BM, Mercer B: Fetal Startle Response Observed Under Ultrasonography Predicts a Reassuring Biophysical Profile. 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Atlanta, Georgia, January 1995, abst#284.
- Sarinoglu C, Dell JR, Ling F, Sibai BM, Mercer B: Fetal Startle Response Observed Under Ultrasonography Predicts a Reassuring Biophysical Profile. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996, 88:599-602.
- Lipscomb G, Dell JR, Ling F, Spellman J: A Comparison of the Cost of Local Versus General Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Sterilization in an Operating Room Setting. Presented at the Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Francisco, CA May 8-9, 1995.
- Lipscomb G, Dell JR, Ling F, Spellman J: A Comparison of the Cost of Local Versus General Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Sterilization in an operating Room Setting Journal of American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopy, Vol. 3, No 2: 277-281, 1996.
- Dell JR: Persistent Sinus Tract Following Abdominal Scarocolopexy with Synthetic Mesh, J Pelvic Surg. 7: 301, 2001.
- Parsons CL, Dell JR, Stanford EJ, et al: Increased Prevalence of Interstitial Cystitis: Previously Unrecognized Urologic and Gynecologic Cases Identified using a New Symptom Questionnaire and Intravesical Potassium Sensitivity. Urology 60 (40); 573 – 578, 2002.
- Parsons CL, Dell JR, Bullen M, et al: Increased Prevalence of Interstitial Cystitis in Urologic Patients and Gynecologic Pelvic Pain Patients as Determined Using a New Symptom Questionnaire. J Urol 167 (Suppl); 65, 2002.
- Parsons CL, Dell J, Stanford EJ, et al: The Prevalence of Interstitial Cystitis in Gynecologic Patients with Pelvic Pain as Detected by Intravesical Potassium Sensitivity. Am J Obstet Gynecol 187: 1395 – 1400, 2002.
- Moldwin RM, Dell JR: The Evaluation and Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis. The Female Patient. June 2003; (suppl) 19 – 26.
- Moldwin R, Dell J: Evaluating and Treating Interstitial Cystitis An Introduction. Women’s Health Care 2003; 2:
- Moldwin R, Dell J: Female Chronic Pelvic Pain. Women’s Health Care 2003; 2: 8 – 11.
- Moldwin R, Dell J: Interstitial Cystitis: Causes and Consequences. Women’s Health Care 2003; 2: 12 – 14.
- Moldwin R, Dell J: Diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis. Women’s Health Care 2003; 2: 17 – 21.
- Moldwin R, Dell J: Interstitial Cystitis: Summary, Guidelines, and Special Concerns. Women’s Health Care 2003; 2: 30 – 34.
- Dell JR: Potassium Sensitivity Test. The Female Patient. June 2003; (suppl) 27 – 30.
- Dell JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis. Presented at the Annual Clinical meeting of The World Foundation for Medial Studies in Female Health. Kansas City, KS. April 10 – 12, 2003.
- Dell JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis. Int J Fertil 2003; 48(4): 154 – 162.
- Dell JR: Building a Successful Interstitial Cystitis Practice in Gynecology: Practice Building Today September 2003; 4 – 11.
- Moldwin RM, Dell JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Clinician’s Handbook on the Evaluation and Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis.© 2003; Synermed Communications
- Dell JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis. Clinical Courier September 2003; Vol. 21, No. 30.
- Dell JR: Treatment of Overactive Bladder to Improve Your Patient’s Quality of Life: Pelvic and Bladder Health in the Continuum of Care. October 2003; Vol. 1, Issue 1.
- Dell JR: Pelvic Care: Diagnosis and Treatment of Overactive Bladder. Pelvic and Bladder Health in the Continuum of Care. December 2003; Vol. 1, Issue 2.
- Dell JR: Treating Overactive Bladder and Managing Reimbursement Issues. Pelvic and Bladder Health in the Continuum of Care. January 2004; Vol. 1, Issue 3.
- Dell JR, Shulman LP: Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis (IC). Clinician October 2003; Vol. 21, No. 10.
- Dell JR, Parson CL: Intravesical Instillation Therapy Using PPS in Patients with Interstitial Cystitis. Poster 18. Presented at: Research Insights into Interstitial Cystitis: A Basic and Clinical Science Symposium. October 30 – November 1, 2003; Alexandria, Virginia.
- Dell JR: Use of the PUF Questionnaire to Determine the Prevalence of Interstitial Cystitis in Obstetrics and Gynecology Practices. Poster 19. Presented at: Research Insights into Interstitial Cystitis: A Basic and Clinical Science Symposium. October 30 – November 1, 2003; Alexandria, Virginia.
- Stanford EJ, Parsons CL, Dell JR, et al: Characteristics of Gynecologic Patients Enrolled in Double-Blind Study of Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (PPS, Elmiron) Therapy for Chronic Pelvic Pain. Poster 49. Presented at: Research Insights into Interstitial Cystitis: A Basic and Clinical Science Symposium. October 30 – November 1, 2003; Alexandria, Virginia.
- Dell JR, Shulman LP: Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis (IC). A Nationwide Teleconference Series. July 2003 – March 2004. Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation and Synermed Communications.
- Dell JR, Parsons CL: Multimodal Therapy for Interstitial Cystitis. J Reprod Med 2004; 49: 243 – 252.
- Dell, JR: Site-Specific Rectocele Repair Augmented with PelvisoftTM A Surgical Video. ©2003; C.R. Bard Inc.
- Grochmal, SA, Dell, JR, Sherry SJ: Prevalence of Bladder Origin Pain (Interstitial Cystitis) in Adolescent Women with Failed Treatment for Documented Endometriosis. Poster 31. Presented at: The 5th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology. June 3 – 6, 3004; Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Mishell DR, Dell, JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis. OB GYN Rounds May 2004; Vol. 4, No. 2.
- Dell JR, O’Kelley, KR: Pelvisoft Biomesh Augmentation of Rectocele Repair: The Initial Clinical Experience in 35 Patients. Int Urogynecol J 2005; 16: 44 – 47.
- Dell, JR: Understanding Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women: Diagnosing and Managing Women with Interstitial Cystitis. The Female Patient September 2004; Vol. 29, No. 5.
- Dell JR, O’Kelley KR: TVT Erosion Secondary to a Twist in Tape. Int Urogynecol J 2005; 16: 168 – 169.
- Dell JR, Mishell DR, Shulman LP: Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) of Bladder Origin: A Focus on Interstitial Cystitis (IC). A Nationwide Teleconference Series. May 2004 – September 2004. Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation and Synermed Communications.
- Dell JR, O’Kelley KR: Pelvisoft Biomesh Augmentation of Rectocele Repair: The Initial Clinical Experience in 35 Patients. Presented at: Joint Meeting of the International Continence Society and the International Urogynecological Association. August 23 – 27, 2004; Paris, France.
- Dell JR, O’Kelley KR: Pelvisoft Biomesh Augmentation of Rectocele Repair: The Initial Clinical Experience in 35 Patients. Presented at: The Global Congress of Gynecologic Edoscopy, AAGL 33rd Annual Meeting. November 10 – 13, 2004; San Francisco, California.
- Dell JR, Groshmal SA: Intravesical Therapy for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis Using a Therapeutic Cocktail. Poster 188. Presented at: The Global Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy, AAGL 33rd Annual Meeting. November 10 – 13, 2004; San Francisco, California.
- Wysocki S, Dell JR, Smith D: Use of the PUF questionnaire to determine the prevalence of interstitial cystitis among nurse practitioners. Presented at: NPWH 7th Annual Conference: Women’s Health Care in the New Millennium. October 13 – 16, 2004. Chicago, IL.
- Dell JR. Intravesical Therapy for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis using a Therapeutic Cocktail. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparosopists. August 2004; Vol. 11, No 3 (suppl).
- Dell JR. Understanding Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women: Diagnosing and Managing Women with Interstitial Cystitis. The Female Patient. (suppl) October 2004.
- Mishell DR, Dell JR: Chronic Pelvic Pain of Bladder Origin: Interstitial Cystitis. Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Manual. Hospital Physician. December 2004; Vol. 9, Part 4.
- Dell JR, Fourcroy JL, Smith D: Understanding Interstitial Cystitis. Clinical Courier. February 2005; Vol. 23, No. 4.
- Dell JR, Fourcroy JL, Smith D: Understanding Interstitial Cystitis: Case Studies. Clinical Courier. March 2005; Vol. 23, No. 20.
- Stanford C, Dell JR: Physician Satisfaction with the SPARCTM Suprapubic Sling System: An Opinion bases Survey. J Pelvic Medicine & Surgery. March/April 2005; Vol. 11, No. 2.
- Dell JR; Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatment Options for Interstitial Cystitis. Adv Stud Pharm. 2005: 15 – 22.
- Wysocki S, Smith D, Dell J: Interstitial Cystitis: An Update and Results from the NPWH’s IC Prevalence Survey. Women’s HealthCare. July 2005; Vol. 4, No. 4, 28 – 38.
- Dell JR, O’Kelley KR: Pelvisoft Biomesh augmentation of rectocele repair – initial clinical experience. Issues in Women’s Health. 2005; Vol. 2, No. 1, 14 – 17.
- Dell JR: An Interview with Jeffrey R. Dell, M.D. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery. 2005; Vol. 21, No. 4.
- Dell JR, Butrick CW: Multimodal Therapy for Painful Bladder Syndrome / Interstitial Cystitis. J Reprod Med (Suppl). March 2006; Vol. 51, No. 3: 253 – 260.
- Dell JR, Grochmal SA, Chandakas S, et. al: Intravesical “jump-start” Therapy Using a Therapeutic Cocktail for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis. JSLS 10: 51 – 577, 2006.
- Grochmal SA, Shulman L, Dell JR, et. al: Continued Chronic Pelvic Pain in Adolescent Women with Failed Treatment for Endometriosis: Identification and Treatment Outcome in Patient with Bladder Origin of CPP (Interstitial Cystitis). J Minim Invasive Gynecol 13 (5 Suppl): 5151, 2006.
- Stanford EJ, Dell JR, Parsons CL. The Emerging Presence of Interstitial Cystitis in Gynecologic Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain. Urology. 2007; 69 (Suppl 4A): 53 – 59.
- Forrest JB, Dell JR. Successful Management of Interstitial Cystitis in Clinical Practice. Urology. 2007; 69 (Suppl 4A): 82 – 86.
- Dell JR. Year Book of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health. Contributing Editor – Chapter 31 – Urogynecology. 2007.
- Dell JR: Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome: Appropriate Diagnosis and Management. J Womens Health. 2007; Vol. 16, No. 8: 1181 – 1187.
- Dell JR, Mokrzycki ML, Jayne CJ: Differentiating Interstitial Cystitis from Similar Conditions Commonly Seen in Gynecologic Practice. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2009; 144 (2): 105 – 109.
- Dell JR. Update on Diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis. The Female Patient. 2010. Vol. 35; 35 – 38.
- Dell JR. Bedside Urodynamic Studies. Chapter 115, P. 786 – 789. PFenniger & Fowler’s Procedures for Primary Care. Third Edition. Elsevier, 2011.
- Dell JR, Fowler GC. Urodynamic Testing (Multichannel). Chapter 116, p. 790 – 797. PFenniger & Fowler’s Procedures for Primary Care. Third Edition. Elsevier, 2011.
- Dell JR, MonaLisa Touch Dual Probe Therapy for the Treatment of Lichen Sclerosus and Vaginal Atrophy. DEKA White Paper Florence, Italy. November, 2015.
- Dell JR, Treatment of Coexistant Lichen Sclerosus and Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy with Fractional CO2 Laser Therapy. Abstract Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. Boston MA. March 28-April 1, 2016
- Dell JR, Treatment of Coexistant Lichen Sclerosus and Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy with Fractional CO2 Laser Therapy. Lasers Surg Med, Volume 48, Number 4. Page 433, Abstract #LB39; April, 2016.
- Lang P, Dell JR, Rosen L, et. al: Fractional CO2 Laser of the Vagina for Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Is the Out-of-Pocket Cost Worth the Outcome of Treatment? Lasers Surg Med 9999: 1-4, 2017.
- Dell JR, Evaluation of a Novel Radiofrequency Device for the Surgical Treatment of Excess Tissue of the Labia Minora and Labia Majora. White Paper. Cynosure. August 2019.
- Dell JR, The Use of the TempSure Surgical Radiofrequency Device for Reduction of the Labia Minora and Labia Majora. White Paper. Cynosure August 2019.
- Karram MM, Hype Yuen HT, Dell JR. Efficiency of a Non-Invasive Monopolar Radiofrequency Device for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence. Poster-Presentation at American Urogynecology Society Meeting. Nashville, TN. Sept 24-28, 2019
- Karram MM, Hype Yuen HT, Dell JR. Efficiency of a Non-Invasive Monopolar Radiofrequency Device for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. Volume 25, Number 5 (Suppl). Page S296, Poster 281, September / October, 2019.
- Abdelaziz A, Dell JR, Karram MM. Transvaginal Radiofrequency Energy for the Treatment of Urinary Stress Incontinence: A Comparison of Monopolar and Bipolar Technologies in Both Pre- and Post-menopausal Patients. Neurourology and Urodynamics. September 2021; Vol 40, Issue 7: 1804-1810.